Friday, April 19, 2013


I brought up my two Rubbermaid containers of Maternity clothes last week. I tried a few things on and realized I would be wearing my "normal" clothes for a bit longer. Although my "normal" clothes are a big snug and a little uncomfortable, my maternity clothes are just too big. The pants fall down and the shirts make my tummy look funny, maybe even a little fake.

Fast forward to this week and I was tired of the maternity clothes just laying around on the bedroom floor. Brooklyn loved them and thought they were new toys. This week I have been organizing my closet, purging my "normal" clothes and making room for maternity clothes.

I told myself that if it was a size XS and/or I hadn't worn it in the past year or two then it was time to get rid of it. I usually have a hard time with getting rid of clothes but not this time. I was purging and it felt great!!

I made room in my closet for maternity clothes and now my side is all organized. Now, if I can get Ben to do the same with his clothes. I'm pretty sure he has clothes hanging up that I have never seen him wear.

I don't know what to do with my clothes I don't want I give them to someone who I think can fit in them, do I take them to goodwill or do I take the easy road and just throw everything away. Sadly, when I get rid of things I usually throw them in the trash, I know it's horrible but it is just so easy! What do you do with your unwanted clothes?

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