Saturday, August 23, 2014

Molly-8 Months

Where has the time gone?! I have been horrible with blogging! Every time I tell myself I am going to start documenting things, I never do! I feel especially guilty not blogging my second child's monthly stats! Good news though, is I have been writing EVERYTHING down, I just have not made the time to transfer Molly's monthly happenings from notebook to blog. So, here it goes..

Molly Kate-8 Months Old.
Clothes: 9-12 months, some 12-18 months
Diaper: Size 3
  • You got your first real sickness-Croup! No fun! 
  • Finally sits up perfectly! It took you awhile to master this, but now you are a pro, but still might have the occasional fall!
waiting to pick up Brooklyn at school

  • Favorite toys are the ones with smiley faces on them! You smile from ear to ear when you see them!
  • When on your tummy you have started to rotate a bit to get toys, but you have no other interest in crawling or moving!
  • Loves the Jumperoo!
loves the water!

  • Obsessed with going outside!
  • Tried your first mum-mum
    • still not a fan of solids

  • Takes great naps during the day but still up at least once in the night!
  • Brooklyn loves going in Molly's crib in the mornings!
  • Has a very cheesy smile! LOVE IT! Too cute and funny!
first time in big cart at Target!

  • A small miracle occurred- when you were sick with croup you were SO fussy, I did not know what to do! When you were younger I tried every type of paci and you were never a fan of the paci. I did not know what to do when you were so fussy when you had croup, so I brought some pacis back out and you have been attached/addicted ever since! It has been so nice! (We will deal with the taking away later, but right now I am loving that you love a paci!)
  • chubby!
  • Can clap on demand! Big girl!

wagon ride!

  • LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Hot Dog Dance. When Mickey and the song come on you stop what you are doing and find the tv and start moving your legs and arms! It is so funny and cute!

  • Becoming very attached to mom. I have a feeling you are going to be worse than Brooklyn with your mommy attachment, and Brooklyn was awful!
  • sweet girl
  • You are still obsessed with big sis, and will watch her all day! Big sis is slowly coming around to you. FINALLY!
Brooklyn helping!

workout class with Mommy!

holding on tight!

little fishy!

loves to swing!

Just for fun, click here to see what Brooklyn was up to at 8 months!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Molly - 7 Months

On May 3, 2014 Molly Kate turned 7 months old! What a fun month it was!!

Unofficial Stats:

Weight: 19.5 pounds
Clothes: 12 months
Jammies: 9-12 months
Diaper: Size 3

Molly is a big, big girl! She has squishy thighs that I squeeze all day!! Love!

So, what has Molly been up to this month:

  • Molly finally naps in her crib. The transition from her swing to her crib was easy! She never fussed and never really seemed to care. She takes great naps in her crib! 
  • She takes great naps, but is still not a good night sleeper! She is up at least 2 times in the night to nurse.  She doesn't nurse for long, so it is more of just a soothing thing for her.  
  • Molly really loves to swing outside! 
  • Little girl is still not a fan of solids/baby food.  She never really opens her mouth, I have to force food in there.  When I can get her to eat, she will eat sweet potatoes and apples, that is about it!
  • Molly is too distracted while nursing.  She pulls off every few seconds to see what Brooklyn is doing.  With being distracted it would be frustrating for me and I would end the nursing session sooner than I should have. This resulted in a cranky little girl because she was hungry.  I decided to start pumping exclusively, I still nurse in the night though.  
  • Molly gets 5 bottles a day of expressed milk. She eats at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm.  The first 4 bottles are all 6 ounces and the 7pm bottle is 8 ounces! 
  • This girl LOVES her big sister!!
  • Molly is starting to really like her daddy.  She gets excited when he comes home in the evenings and she enjoys playing with him. 
  • Thankfully, Molly does great in her carseat.  I usually try to only go places when I know she is tired, and she always falls asleep in the car! 
  • She is sitting up great and loves playing with all her toys in front of her! She still likes to lay down on her tummy to play too!
I can't believe how fast this year is going by! Molly will be 1 before I know it!! She is so fun and such an easy baby! She still only cries when she is hungry or tired.  She may cry or whine a bit if she gets bored, but that is an easy fix-I usually make Brooklyn run around in circles for her and sing a song! Works every time!

Here are pictures from Molly's 7th Month:

Here is Brooklyn's 7th Month update.

Comparison of the girls at 7 Months:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Molly- 6 Months

Again, late as usual.  Thankfully I write down everything, then all I have to do is transfer my notes to the blog.  Hopefully in the next week, I can get caught up on Molly monthly updates and then start documenting fun family things! Let's get to it...

Molly turned 6 Months old on April 3.  We had a little half birthday celebration for her-just like we did with Brooklyn! We did the half cake, gave her a few gifts and got her a swing for under the deck! Fun stuff!!

Molly's 6 Month Stats:
Weight: 18 pounds 10 ounces (92%)
Length: 25.75 inches (50%)
Head Circumference: 17 inch (75%)

Clothes: 6-12 Month
Jammies: 9-12 Month
Diapers: Size 3

  • Molly is a great napper, but not so great at night sleep!
  • She still takes naps in her swing-going to move her to bed soon!
  • Molly does NOT like baby food.  She will cry, spit and do anything possible to not eat.  This girl loves momma's milk!
  • She is still working on sitting up.  She can do it, but not for long periods of time on her own.  When sitting up on the floor playing, she is supported by the boppy!
  • She is obsessed with watching Brooklyn! She will follow her with her eyes everywhere-too cute!
  • Molly's eyes are still blue!
  • Her hair is still pretty light and is starting to grow on top!
  • She nurses every 3 hours.  While nursing she gets very distracted by Brooklyn and pulls off and pulls on me-it is painful.  I see exclusively pumping in my near future...
  • Molly is very mellow (opposite of baby Brooklyn).  She will only cry when she is tired or hungy!
Molly is such a great addition to our family and I can't believe she has been with us for 6 months! Time is flying by! Big sister Brooklyn is still not a fan of Molly, but hopefully as Molly starts to interact with us more, Brooklyn will take more of an interest! I can only hope!

Photo dump of Molly's 6 Month of life...

Pictures from Molly's half birthday celebration:

Just for fun...a comparison of my girls at 6 Months...

Here is Brooklyn's 6 Month update post to compare some more!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Molly-5 Months

Molly Kate turned 5 Months on March 3, 2014 (yes, I am over 2 months behind-story of my life!)

Unofficial Stats
Weight: 17 pounds

6-9 month clothes, some 6-12 month
size 3 diapers
It is hard to believe Molly is already 5 months old! Time really does go faster the second time around-did I say that last month!?! 

Molly loves nursing! She loves nursing a little too much, as you can see from the picture above! She nurses throughout the day, about every 3 hours and then gets a bottle of expressed milk at bedtime-7 ounces.  

We did sleep training, Ferber Method, and Molly did great! She now puts herself to sleep after bath, bottle, books and songs.  Molly is still struggling with putting herself back to sleep when she wakes in the night.  The only way to get her back to sleep is to nurse.  We have had some long and challenging nights. Hopefully she figures things out soon, because momma is tired! 

Molly loves watching Brooklyn at all times! She is always smiling and laughing at her! Brooklyn is slowly starting to warm up and give Molly a little more attention each day-yay!!

What has Molly been up to this month:
  • Loves to be outside
  • Does not take a paci-instead loves sucking on hands.  Hand are completely raw and looks painful.  Coconut oil and aquafor are your hands best friends! Occasionally Molly will find her thumb and suck on it for a few minutes, but nothing consistent!
  • Loves nursing!
  • Reaches and grabs at everything in front of her
  • Loves bathtime
  • Tried rice cereal-was a fan at first, but does not like it now! Going to give it a break and try again in a few weeks!
  • Takes all naps in her swing! 2 mornings naps, about an hour each and an afternoon nap anywhere from 2-3 hours!
  • Loves her playmat and laying on the floor!
  • Enjoys tummy time!
  • Rolls over to tummy from back all the time, will not lay on back for long periods of time!
  • Still will not roll from tummy to back!
  • Very laid back baby! Only cries when she is tired or hungry!
  • Loves just watching the world go on around her and takes everything in!
  • Serious most of the time!
  • Starting to talk and coo more!
  • Tried the Jumperoo for the first time, you only like it for about 3 minutes then you are done!

  • We found her ticklish spots-under neck and thighs!
  • Cutest laugh-but only usually laughs if she is being tickled!
  • Starting to sit up-can sit unassisted for just a few minutes before falling over!

ready to eat!

first taste of cereal!

big sister wanted to help!

First Saint Patrick's Day!

pretty girl

 Here is a comparison of Brooklyn and Molly at 5 months in their chairs:
To see what Brooklyn was doing at 5 months click here