Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I have finally joined the i-Phone family. Hopefully I can start blogging more since I take pictures on my phone all day long. This app makes it so easy to put pictures on the blog. Yay!!

On another note, I can't believe my baby is going to be 10 months old tomorrow. Crazy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Brooklyn-9 Months

Brooklyn-9 months (7/26-8/26)

As usual this is a little late, but I have an excuse...kind of... I was waiting for Brooklyn to go to the doctor for her 9 month appointment so I could include her stats.  Over a week after her appointment I am finally getting around to blogging about her 9th month (she is now 9 1/2 months)! Wow!! She is such a big girl...9 months old? Really?! Time, please stop!

9 Month Stats:
Weight: 22 pounds (91st percentile)
Length: 28 inches (60th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (90th percentile)

She is a big girl! We knew she was chubby but I am so glad that she got longer!! Hopefully she won't be short! After her 6 month appointment and being in the 23rd percentile for length I was beginning to wonder, but hopefully she will be average height if not a little above average, like her momma! One thing she doesn't get from her momma is her head size, sorry for her she definitely got her head size from her dadda! No matter how chubby she is, how big her head is or how long/tall she is we think she is 100% perfect. She is our little Pai (her nickname-pronounced like 'pay') and we wouldn't have her any other way!!! 

So, what has Miss Brooklyn been up to this past month:
  • The BIG news of the month is: Brooklyn's clogged tear duct opened up!! NO more green yucky stuff oozing from her eye daily! Such a blessing! Everyone is much happier!! 
  • We started 3 meals a day! She loves yogurt! I buy the Yo-Baby organic yogurt and she LOVES it! I think she would eat it every meal if I let her!
  • We went down to 3 bottles a day.  7am (or when she gets up, sometimes 7:30-7:45), 2pm and 7pm.   We increased the ounces of each bottle too.  7am and 2pm bottles are 8 ounces and 7pm bottle is 9 ounces! 
  • We also went down to 2 naps a day! 10am nap and a nap around 2:30-3pm.  She will sleep for about an hour and 15 minutes at 10 am (sometimes longer) and then usually 2 hours in the afternoon (sometimes longer).  It is perfect!
  • She still goes to bed at 7:30pm and I don't hear a peep from her until 7am or after! It is amazing! 
  • We did a lot of swimming this past month! She loves the water!!

we went swimming with Demi one day! I used to babysit Demi and she was also a flower girl in my wedding! Demi is so tan and so beautiful!
  •  We joined a play group/mom's group called MOMs Club! We love it!! So many kids of all different ages, so many activities to do and so many sweet moms! Perfect fit for us!
  • Getting ready for play group at the park and pool!

  •  Brooklyn LOVES to swing! She will swing at a park or at home on our swing we put up under the deck! She is not picky! As long as she is swinging she is content!
  •  Brooklyn scoots everywhere.  It is like an army crawl on her belly and she pushes with her legs and pulls with her arms! Too funny! Toward the end of the month she would crawl on all 4's if she wasn't going too far!
  •  On her 9 month birthday (8/26) she had formula for the first time.  She did not seem to notice a difference and did not care.  She now gets 1 bottle of formula a day and 2 bottles of breastmilk a day, thanks to my frozen stash!  I am officially done pumping!! It is very bittersweet!   
daddy making 1st formula bottle

1st formula bottle

  •  Brooklyn loves Mum-Mums! We enjoyed a picnic outside on the front lawn one evening during Brooklyn's dinner time while waiting on daddy to get home from work! 
  • Brooklyn loves puffs and can eat them all on her own! She claps each time she gets a puff in her mouth! Too funny!
  • I have started to give her more table food, but she isn't so sure about some of it.  If it feels funny or has a different texture then she will just mash it up in her hands and just play with it! 
  •  She can use her sippy cup all on her own now! Big girl!!

  •  Brooklyn sat up from laying on her tummy in her crib on Aug 7.  I turned on the video monitor to see if she had fallen asleep and she was sitting up! I was shocked and worried she wouldn't be able to figure out how to lay back down, but she figured it out and fell asleep! 
  • While scooting and exploring around the house she found the door stoppers and LOVES to jiggle them so they make that annoying loud noise!

  • Brooklyn can clap on demand!! If I say "yeah" or "big girl" she also claps! She is pretty proud of herself!
  • We lowered her crib.  She was starting to grab onto the slats and try to pull up, so before she could successfully pull up we lowered the mattress.  
  • If you say "How big is Brooklyn", she will raise her hands above her head and we say "Soooo big"! The doctor was impressed that she could do this as he said that was something a 12 month old would just start to do!
  • Brooklyn loves to give kisses.  It started out just 'kissing' herself in her little mirror, but here daddy has taught her how to kiss everything/everyone else! It isn't a true kiss, but she leans in close to you with her tongue out and that is her kiss.  It is pretty sweet!
swimming at The Lumbards!

  • Brooklyn HATES her changing table!  We now change her diaper on the floor in her room. She also HATES getting dressed.  It is a battle each and every time and she always throws a fit.  She has started "bucking" on the floor when getting dressed or during diaper changes.  Hopefully it is just a phase, and it too shall pass! 
  • Brooklyn shakes her head "no-no-no-no".  It is pretty funny, but I don't know if I should be laughing! When she starts crawling towards something or getting into something she shouldn't I tell her "no-no" in a calm voice and shake my head.  I think that is where she got it from.  Ben has taken it to the next level and he asks Brooklyn if she can say yes, as he is shaking his head up and down, well Brooklyn shakes her head side to side for "no-no".  We laugh!  
  • We joined Gymboree Play and Music class.  It is a lot of fun and Brooklyn loves it! The only negative is it is in Parkville, which is about a 20-25 minute drive for us.  Brooklyn loves singing songs and crawling all around with the other little kids.  It is a little expensive too, but seeing her light up and have a great time is worth it!!
More out-takes from her 9 month chair photo shoot!