Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Trip To Wichita

Back in July, my mom, Brooklyn and I drove to Wichita for the day to visit family.  My cousins Ashley and Jamie who live in Alabama were going to be in Wichita, so we decided to drive down and meet them for the day at my Uncle Duane's house.  Brooklyn did so well on the drive down.  She slept for 2 of the 3 hour drive! My cousin Ashley, had her baby boy, Brayden in May, and this was the first time we got to see him!! Jamie has 2 boys, Jake and Ethan.  We stayed at Duane's all day and just sat around and talked while the kids played.  Brooklyn was a little show off and anytime us adults would get loud talking she would start squealing to get attention back on her.  Silly girl!  We went to dinner as a family and then we hit the road back home to KC.  We didn't get home until 12:30am.  It was a long day, but very worth it!

Jake LOVES Brayden!!

Brooklyn and Brayden meeting! Brooklyn is not very polite!

Handsome little boy!

My chubby baby!

Brooklyn and Jake reading!

4 cousins!

L to R: Jake, Jamie, Ethan, Ashley, Brayden, Katy and Brooklyn
 While we were there Brooklyn got up on 4's several times and would rock back and forth! I was worried she was going to crawl for the first time without Ben seeing, but she never moved!

Cousin love!
It was a great trip! I am really hoping we can plan a trip to Alabama this fall to see everyone!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brooklyn-8 Months

Another month has passed, which means we are just that much closer to Brooklyn's first birthday! Hard to believe! I loved this past month! Brooklyn grew up so much and is so much fun!!

Unofficial Stats:
 Weight: 20.5 pounds
Length: 27 inches

Clothes: 9-12 months
PJ's: 9-12 months
Diapers: size 3 

Wakes between 7-7:30am.  7 oz bottle.  8am-oatmeal and fruit.  9:30am-nap.  11am-7 oz bottle. 1pm-nap. 3pm-7 oz bottle. 4pm-nap. 5pm-cereal and veggie or protein.  6:30pm-bath. 7pm-8 oz bottle. 7:30pm-in crib.  She is usually asleep by 7:45pm, sometimes she will play around in her crib longer!

Brooklyn is an amazing night time sleeper!! I have not had to get up in the middle of the night with her in over 2 months!! I am loving my sleep too! Now, if I could just get to bed a little earlier, I could catch more zzzz's.  O well! 

I am still pumping-but only twice a day-morning and night.  My time with my pump is almost over.  I still hate every second of it, but it is a bittersweet thing.  I want Brooklyn to have breastmilk until 1 year old, but it is wearing me down.  I am pretty sure I have enough frozen milk to get her through to 10 months.  I am happy with that!

What has Brooklyn been up to this month...?

  • Most exciting news-NO MORE AXID medicine!! WooHoo!! When her medicine ran out that was it.  She never showed any signs of having acid reflux and she does not spit up! So happy we are done with that medicine!
  • She started pivoting and moving around on her tummy! This is where she ended up one day! Silly girl!

  •  Loves her mesh feeder.  She sucks frozen peaches until there is nothing left! She has also tried bananas in her mesh feeder.
  •  The beginning of the month Brooklyn started to move around on her belly by rotating and pivoting to get things.  Now, she can get up on all 4's and rock back and forth.  She will be a mobile baby soon...

  •  Loves meal time in her highchair!!
  •  Daddy blew up Brooklyn's new pool in the living room, so they played in the pool inside!
  •  We took a day trip to the lake! Brooklyn loved playing in her baby pool on the dock!

  •  We bought a baby pool for our house and Brooklyn loves it!! She is a water baby!

  •  Tried Mum-Mums and small pieces of Puffs! Loves her Mum-Mums!
  •  Saw her first fireworks show and celebrated her first 4th of July!

  •  She sat in her first high chair at a restaurant (54th Street).  Then again in the same week at Crown Center

  • Brooklyn says "Dadada" ALL.THE.TIME.
  • Went to All Star Fan Fest (separate post)
  • Went to the zoo for the first time (separate post)
  • Everything she picks up she puts on top of her head like a hat then will put it behind her back-silly!
  • "Kisses" herself in her mirrors! Too cute!
  • Started protein every other night for dinner-her first was chicken and apples.
  • Brooklyn had a few days of being fussy and I just knew teeth were working their way out...sure enough her 2 bottom front teeth has popped through!! While she was teething, I would give her tylenol morning and night, she never woke up in the night! Brooklyn had a decrease in appetite while she was teething, but she is still a little chubbers!!
  • Brooklyn still loves bath time! 
  • When it is not too hot outside she loves to swing! 

More pictures from the chair photo shoot-it is getting harder and harder to take her monthly pictures!

Can't wait to see what next month brings! I am sure we will have a mobile baby and possibly more teeth!! I love you, Brooklyn!