Tuesday, April 16, 2013

8 weeks-baby #2

8 Weeks  (written on 2/25/13)

I went to the doctor for my first prenatal appointment.  At the 8 week appointment you just see the nurse practitioner, go over a lot of medical history, a quick pap and blood work! Fun fun! Everything went very well! When I was pregnant with Brooklyn I got an ultrasound at 8 weeks and then starting at 16 weeks every two weeks until week 24.  I had to have all of these ultrasounds to check my cervix to make sure it was not opening due to a previous surgery.  Well, since everything was fine with my first pregnancy the doctor and nurse practitioner say that it is not necessary to do those ultrasounds this pregnancy...BUMMER!!

I did schedule my first trimester prenatal screening for March 18 so that will be our first ultrasound! I am looking forward to that! I want to see little peanut! Then, if all goes well with the pregnancy I won't have another ultrasound until 20 weeks and then that will be it! Totally different from last pregnancy!

I have been feeling pretty crappy this last week or so.  I feel the same way I did when pregnant with Brooklyn.  I am very tired.  My legs hurt.  I am very nauseous, but haven't thrown up, thank goodness! I have to eat something every 1-2 hours or I feel horrible. I feel like I have already gained so much weight because I am eating so often! When I wake up in the night to go to the restroom it is hard for me to fall back asleep-very annoying!

There were many times last week that I thought to take a weekly picture but never did...I am bummed that I already forgot! Here's to hoping I can remember to take one for the next 32 weeks! Ha! My plan is to take one of just me and then take another one with Brooklyn, I think it will be fun to see how she grows throughout this pregnancy too!

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