Thursday, January 24, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas eve was a month ago, in some aspect it seems like forever ago, but it also seems like just last week. As always, running behind on the blog, but better late than never, right?!?

For the past several years we have hosted Christmas Eve at our house! It works out great!! This year our moms and siblings came over for the evening and my dad and Cheryl stopped by after church! It was fun! I cooked my first ham and brisket and they both turned out pretty yummy! Everyone else brought side dishes and desserts! We had a great feast!

Grandma's with their grand-babies! Lisa and Brooklyn.  Sharon and Jaxson.
 Present time!!

 It is a tradition every Christmas Eve to get new pajamas! My little family with our new PJ's!

attempt at a family picture!

Brooklyn left Santa some burnt cookies and reindeer some carrots! yummy!

 Santa came!!

 Santa gave Brooklyn a big Gymbo (clown from Gymboree class), more blocks, an i-Pad case, a farm, balls for a ball pit and lots of books and tons of goodies in her stocking! She must have been really good!!

On Christmas day we go over to Ben's dads house in the morning in our PJ's and open presents! It is a lot of fun! After presents and breakfast we come back to our house and Brooklyn took a nap and we showered and got ready for the day! We headed back over to Don and Janet's for dinner and family time! It was a great day! I didn't take many pictures on Christmas day-bummer!

she loves her i-Guy case and her movies on her i-Pad!

being silly with Grampa on the dog bed!!
Merry Christmas (a little late!)!!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Santa Visit

Last year we took Brooklyn to The Cafe at Briarcliff Village to meet Santa for the first time.  It is a free event and you get to use your own camera! Last year, we also ate at Philly Time in Briarcliff Village for lunch-one of Ben's favorite places! So, we decided to make that a tradition and do the same thing this year!

The only thing that was different was Brooklyn's reaction to Santa.  Last year she was awake in one picture and the next picture she was asleep in Santa's arms!

This year...

A few other outtakes from our visit with Santa...(ignore Ben's horrible camera skills...).  This year they did print out a free picture for you!

These pictures are from the Briarcliff Village website...

A comparison from 2011 to 2012...

We will see what next years Santa visit brings...Ho Ho Ho!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Birthday Celebration at Home

On Brooklyn's actual birthday (11/26) we had our mom's over for dinner, presents and cupcakes! I had been sick the two days leading up to her birthday and really wasn't feeling well on her birthday, but I tried to put my big girl pants on and make my baby's birthday special!

My mom and Ben's mom saved their presents for her actual birthday instead of bringing them to the big party! Ben and I did the same! It was great! This time she really understood what presents were all about!

Next year I think I will wait until after Brooklyn's birthday to put up the Christmas tree. I always put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving but I did not like stockings and the tree up while we were celebrating her birthday.  I don't know what I am going to do if I ever have a December baby! Ha!

Anyway, back to the birthday girl!  After dinner she was ready to dig in to the gifts!

spoiled little girl!

Grams got Brooklyn a new baby doll and a stroller! She loves it!!
 Nana got Brooklyn some puzzles and books! She also got her a KU coat and mittens!
 Daddy made Brooklyn her own key chain! He went to Lowe's and bought keys (a princess key and KU key).  He also put a Vera Bradley ball on her key chain (she loves chewing on my mom's so he thought she would like one on hers).  Ben also got Brooklyn a mini KU sock monkey and a KU bracelet she likes to chew on!
 Mommy got Brooklyn a Gymbo stick puppet! She loves him!
 Her big gift from Mommy and Daddy was a Rock-A-Bye frog.  She did NOT like him at first.  I was sad.  She wanted nothing to do with it.  Now she likes to push the buttons and dance to the music but she still isn't a fan of riding on it.  Maybe someday!

Failed attempt at a family picture! Someone wanted her cupcake!

After presents we had cupcakes! I don't know what I was thinking but pink icing was not a good idea! O well, you only turn 1 once, right?!?! She enjoyed the cupcake and ate almost all of it!

After cupcakes it was bath then bed!

What a special birthday for my little girl! Can't wait to celebrate more birthday's with her! I just hope the years don't go as fast as the first!

A Very Hungry Caterpillar 1st Birthday (part 2)

(check out part 1 of Brooklyn's first birthday party here)

The party was very relaxed and low key! As everyone arrived they made a plate of food and kids did crafts! About an hour into the party we sang Happy Birthday to Brooklyn and let her smash her cake! It was fun! Brooklyn was unsure about the cake at first, but after I showed her that she could eat it she started to enjoy it! She even shared with mommy and daddy! Sweet girl!

Brooklyn hated wearing her party hat, so we only got one picture with her in it.  Bummer!

staying hydrated!
singing happy birthday!!

trying to show her that it is ok to eat the cake!

she got the hang of it and enjoyed every bite!

sharing with mommy and daddy!

the damage! not bad for the first time and such a big cake!
After cake we went straight for the presents! Brooklyn really understood what to do! She knew if she ripped wrapping paper or pulled out tissue paper there would be some sort of toy! She found favorite and would get excited when she really liked something! She loved all of her gifts and thanks everyone so much for them all! She is a very loved and spoiled little girl!

It was a great party! I was sad when it was all over!

Special thanks to my mom for all of her help! The party wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her! Also, thanks to my dad and Cheryl for helping with food! Lisa too-all the food was amazing!

A big thanks to my favorite Uncle Duane and Aunt Laura for coming up from Wichita and helping! They helped mom cut up fruit the night before, helped decorate and get everything to the Community Center and most of all Duane was the photographer! He captured everything perfectly! SO thankful for him!

Happy 1st Birthday to my beautiful baby girl! I love you so much, Brooklyn!!