Thursday, August 29, 2013

Baby #2-Weeks 31, 32, 33 and 34

Where is the time going?! Every time I want to sit down and blog something else catches my attention and I never start blogging! Ugh! I hate playing catch up.  I better get used to it, because I know I won't stay on top of things once Molly is here! Speaking of which, I can't believe I only have 6 more weeks (or less) until she arrives-so crazy!!

Weeks 31-34

How Far Along: 34 weeks and 1 day
Total Weight Gain: Scary!!! As of Tuesday at my 34 week appt I weighed 156 pounds.  I started out at 120 pounds.  Yikes! 36 pounds with 6 weeks to go...I had the nurse look back in my chart to see what my final weight gain was with Brooklyn-4 days before Brooklyn was born I weighed 158 pounds, and I started out at 125 pounds.  So, I only gained 33 pounds with Brooklyn and have already passed that this time around! I sure hope it comes off just as quick and easy with nursing as it did with Brooklyn!
Maternity Clothes: YES! I feel like some are getting too short.  
Favorite Moment This Week: Working on the nursery! My goal is to have it done by 36 weeks! I can't wait to do a blog post all about the nursery! I am loving it!!
Gender: GIRL! Molly Kate
Movement: This child is NON STOP all day long! It wears me out some days! I know I will miss it once she is born, but some days I really get tired of getting kicked in the ribs or feeling pressure on my bladder all day long!
Food Cravings: I will eat just about anything and everything, hence the high weight gain!
What I Miss: feeling comfortable! I am starting to get uncomfortable and this heat is not helping!
Sleep: Not too bad! I am still getting up several times a night, but I seem to be falling right back to sleep! 
What I Am Looking Forward To: Besides meeting Molly, I am looking forward to getting the house cleaned from top to bottom and getting the nursery finished! My to-do list is a mile long, so hopefully it will all get done!
Symptoms: Foot pain! Back pain! 
Belly Button: OUT!
Next Dr. Appt: September 11
Contractions: YES! I have had a few that have been very strong! I have at least 5-10 a day.  They aren't close together, they just come and go randomly.  I am always feeling a little crampy throughout the day!

Picture time: (Ben was out of town when I was 32 weeks so we never got a picture...)

I can't believe how much bigger I am this time around! It is so crazy looking back and comparing!!

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