Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May (part 3)-My Birthday!

This year I turned 26! Wow!! 8 years ago when I was graduating from high school I never would have thought I would be where I am today.  My original life plan was to go to dental school, then get married and then start having a family by the age of 30! Wow, how things change so quickly! I didn't go to dental school and I started my family way before the age of 30.  Amazing how 1 special guy can change all of that! If I could go back in time I would NOT change a single thing! I love my life and my little family!!

Ben and I have decided now that we have little Miss Brooklyn, our birthday's are not going to be as special anymore-Ben used to SPOIL me rotten on my birthday!

My birthday started off by Ben letting me sleep in! Thanks, Benja!

We had a photographer coming to our house to take Brooklyn's 6 month pictures! Brooklyn HATES getting her picture taken! We have tried going to a studio and it has failed, so I thought for sure it would work for the photographer to come to my house.  Well, it didn't work the first time! Brooklyn was not having anything to do with the camera or photographer. Denise (photographer) said she would come back after Brooklyn's nap-thank goodness! So, after her next nap I called Denise and she came over! It was still a little struggle to get Brooklyn to cooperate, but I am positive we got some cute pictures! Should have the pictures back very soon! So, stay tuned for a post about those!

After Brooklyn's pictures, her and I went to a graduation party.  My mom then came over to watch Brooklyn for the evening while Ben and I went out.  Ben got me a birthday cake so before we went out we had some cake (we considered it our appetizer-ha). 

It was a great birthday!

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