Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brooklyn-6 Months

Brooklyn Paige is 6 months old!! WOW!! Such a big girl! This past month she has really changed! She is becoming such a little lady and growing too fast! She changes every day! She is becoming more interactive with her toys and it is so fun! Sometimes I just sit and watch her play with toys and wonder what she is thinking! I love my little girl to pieces and I can't imagine life without her!

What has Brooklyn been up to this month...?

Official stats: (this post is a little late because we just had her 6 month well check yesterday 6/4, so I was waiting to get all the stats before doing a post)

Weight: 18.2 pounds (87 percentile)
Length: 25 inches (23 percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 inches (73 percentile)
 (looks like we have a short and plump little girl on our hands.  I sure hope she gets some height to her...I don't want her to be as tall as me (5' 7", but I don't want her to be too short either-ha!)

Clothes: 6-9 months and a few 12 months
PJ's: 6-9 months
Diapers: Size 3

  • I think the most exciting thing this month is that Brooklyn can now SIT UP on her OWN! She loves sitting up and seeing the world from a different perspective! I feel she is so much happier and enjoys her toys more! Yay!! 
  • Brooklyn is becoming quite the good night sleeper! We have a bedtime routine that we do the exact same every night! Bath at 6:30, bottle at 7, books at 7:20, snuggles and rocking at 7:25 and in crib (awake) at 7:30pm.  She will wiggle around, talk, squeal/scream and then fall asleep.  Some nights it takes her 5 minutes to fall asleep, other nights it can take 15 minutes.  She has not cried in quite some time! She will then sleep until 6:30-7:30am. There have been a few nights where she will wake up crying and instead of listening to her cry herself back to sleep I will go get her and we will go sleep in the guest bedroom! I have a push over!! I enjoy snuggling with my little girl!
  • Naps, are a different story! She is a 30 minute napper.  She will be awake for 2 hours then nap for 30 minutes.  How I am supposed to get anything done around the house is beyond me! The doctor gave me some suggestions on how to lengthen her naps so we are trying that today.  He said she needs a good 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon!
taking a short nap in her swing-precious!
  • On 5/7 we started solids again!
    • Loves: sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas and prunes

    • Hates: peas, green beans and apples 
    • Morning: She gets 2 tablespoons of rice cereal with a 1/2 tub of fruits.  
    • Evening: She gets 2 tablespoons of rice cereal with 1/2 tub of veggies
    • carrots (5/7), apples (5/8), sweet potatoes (5/11), prunes (5/11), bananas (5/14), peaches (5/19), pears (5/17), green beans (5/18), squash (5/16) and peas (5/13).  *(I wrote this for my memory-sorry! Also-we did NOT follow the 3 day wait rule before introducing a new food! She hasn't had any allergic reaction)* 

flying around with daddy!
  • On 5/8 she rolled over from back to belly in her crib on her own and put herself to sleep on tummy! Ben and I watched her on the video monitor! It was fun to see and watch! Such a big girl!
  • After she learned to roll from back to tummy she started sleeping with her face down in her bed.  Nose smashed, face down.  For one, it looked very uncomfortable and two, it scared me to death! I was worried she wouldn't be able to breath! I would check on her every few minutes until I went to bed then I would wake up every 30 minutes checking on her.  She did this for about a week or so and now she lays her head to the side-thank goodness!
  • We celebrated My first Mother's Day!
  • Ben put Brooklyn to bed for the very first time in her life (5/12)
  • Mommy went out with Kim to a concert and left Brooklyn with daddy for the evening and Brooklyn had her first solid poop-she had this poop in her sleep and it woke her up and she screamed!! Daddy got to experience it and deal with it all on his own!! ;)
  • Brooklyn loves to go outside and get the mail.  Sometimes she will pull the handle down on the mailbox.  When she looks inside and sees there is something in there she kicks her feet so fast! Then, on the way back to the house she wants to try and eat the mail!
  • She loves sitting on the front porch!
  • When you go to open the front door she gets all excited.  When she hears the storm door unlock she really starts kicking her feet! So cute to watch her get excited!
  • When she is fussy I just start singing the ABC's and she smiles and looks at me and calms down! It is pretty funny and amazing! 
  • She loves to fly around the house with daddy! 
  • 'Talks' ALL the time!
  • Started doing a fake cough! Pretty funny! If you cough back at her she will cough back at you! It is funny unless you are trying to feed her food! 
  • Loves her jumperoo! Still waiting for her to actually JUMP in it, but she loves the toys and loves moving around the circle to all the different 'stations'.
  • Celebrated her 1/2 birthday (will do a separate post on this)
    • daddy got her a swing that he hung from the deck-she loves it
    • mommy got her a leap frog toy (it is quite big) and she hates it.  She cries and gets scared when you turn it on or bring it close to her.  Silly girl!
  • She had her first lake trip!  (Will do a separate post on this)
  • Brooklyn still loves bath time!! 

flying around with daddy is so much fun!!

Big girl sitting up all by herself!! Woo hoo!!

watching Baby Genius DVD
 Here is the 6 month photo shoot....someone found the sticker....uh-oh!!

what is this?!?!

Does it come off?

It's off! Am I in trouble...?!?!?

My baby girl seems so big and I can't believe how fast time is going! It is crazy to think that in another 6 months she is going to be 1.  WOW! She is such a joy and I can't wait to see what she does this month! I love you, miss Brooklyn!

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