Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 17

I feel like Ben and I have been super busy this past week, but thinking back on the week I can't really say what we did that made me feel so busy.  Ben worked late almost every night this week-National Sales Meeting is coming up and he is preparing for that.  I deep cleaned the house Thursday and Friday.  My back was killing me by the time I got done, but looking at the house it was worth it.  There is just something about having a clean, spotless home that I LOVE! I also LOVE that Ben always notices that I have cleaned deep down, which makes it even more worth it.  I polished the hard wood floors and that is the first thing he said when he got home Friday night, I was happy! We went to Nebraska Furniture Mart and looked at cribs and nursery furniture, and we have the one we want picked out, just not purchased yet.  In the next 2 weeks we will get it ordered! Now to the pregnancy updates of week 17...
Pregnancy Updates
How Far Along: 17 weeks 5 days
Total Weight Gain: don't want to go there...
Maternity Clothes: YES
Favorite Moment This Week: I got a lullabelly, which is a band that goes around your belly and you can connect your i-Pod to it and play music to the baby, so while I was working around the house I put it on and played some music and the baby was moving around-so cute and fun to feel!
Gender: Don't know YET, Tuesday might be the big day.  We are going to tell our parents in a unique and creative way, and since we have 4 sets of parents it might take a couple of days to get the word to them all, so I am not going to announce anything anywhere until all immediate family knows!
Movement: Yes, little flutters-LOVE it!
Food Cravings: Eggo waffles, (still). Orange Juice, milk, ice cream
What I miss: having a clear face-I NEVER had acne as a teenager or ever and now that I have been pregnant my face has been horrible.  I have been getting facials every 3 weeks and they seem to help for about a week to 10 days and then my face goes back to breaking out.  It is very annoying.  I thought pregnant women were supposed to have a glow?!?! Acne is not a glow...
Sleep: the past few nights have been horrible.  I have been able to initially fall asleep fairly quickly but the past 3 nights we have had bad storms in the middle of the night and they wake me up and I can't get back to sleep.  So annoying! I have been using the body pillow Ben got me for Mother's Day and it has really helped me in getting comfortable.  
What I am looking forward to: TUESDAY, I am really hoping I do not get my hopes up on thinking we will find out the gender.  I knew going into my 16 week appointment we wouldn't find out, so I am really hoping on Tuesday at my 18 week appointment we will find out.  The bedding I want for a boy is on sale from Pottery Barn, so if we are having a boy I would love to save some money and buy the bedding on sale. 
Symptoms: Nothing too horrible.  I get headaches throughout the day.  I have a cold right now, don't know if that is pregnancy related or not.  But, for the most part I am doing well. I am ready for bed a lot earlier in the evenings but I think that is because I am not taking an afternoon nap.  All is well with me!!

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