Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hottest Days EVER!

We all know that the weather here in good ol' Missouri has been absolutely miserable.  HOT, no rain, HOT, humid, did I mention HOT.  When I say HOT I don't mean 85 degrees, I mean 107 degrees.  The news last week said that it has not been 107 degrees in Kansas City since August 29th 1984, well folks, that was before I was born.  So, with the hottest week in Kansas City since 1984 behind us, I am going to recap what I did and what happened during that lovely week.

Saturday July 30 was my mom's birthday and it was also the day Kenny Chesney (my favorite country singer) was in town, playing at Arrowhead Stadium, the first concert there since George Strait and N'Sync performed (no-not together) in 2001.  Tickets for this concert went on sale way back when, I think back in September 2010-almost an entire year before the concert date-crazy! Obviously I wasn't pregnant then so I wanted to best seats we could get-which were on the field.  So, we got seats on the field.  That afternoon we went to 54th Street to eat a late lunch, early dinner.  The concert started at 4:30 with Uncle Cracker, blah-I did not care to see him, so we weren't in a hurry to get to the stadium.  We arrive at the stadium around 5:30 and go down to our seats on the field.  Oh my wast it hot! The sun was still up high enough it was shining on our seats, to say the least I was MISERABLE.  I have NEVER been so uncomfortable in my life.  I took in a few bottles of water and drank 3 bottles of water in 1 hour.  Yes, you guessed it-a pregnant lately drinking water that quickly means she needs a restroom quick. Well, guess what...those amazing, fantastic floor seats that I wanted so badly did not have restrooms on the field.  Yes, that means every time I needed to go potty I had to walk to the back of the field and climb the entire lower bowl of the stadium stairs just to reach a long line at the restroom.  AWFUL! At Chiefs games you don't have to wait in line at the restroom anymore since the nice renovation with larger restrooms, but when you are at a country concert there where 98% of the people are women, you have to wait.  Don't get me wrong-the concert was amazing, and Kenny was amazing.  We also saw Billy Currington and Zach Brown Band, who Ben and I have started to love. Once the sun went down and Kenny came on things started to get better, but it was still HOT! I had so many ladies come up to me and ask me if I was alright and tell me how brave I was for being out there and pregnant and how cute I was.  I didn't know a pregnant lady would get so much attention at a concert!!  One good thing about being pregnant was obviously I was not going to be consuming any alcoholic beverages.  A beer was a cheap $10.  Yes, $10 for a beer.  Of course, my husband took full advantage of having a pregnant wife who is his DD on weekends (payback are hell-right?!) and drank 12 beers at the concert.  Yes, your math is correct, that is $120 in beer for one person.  EXPENSIVE! I could have found 75329859329 other things to spend $120 on, such as our water bill this month which is $124.97, damn sprinkler system!! Anyway-moral of this post, is I love Kenny and his concerts, he put on a great show, and it was the hottest I ever been in my entire life!
me and my mommy (Brooklyn too!!)

my cute mommy at 54th Street with her free birthday cake!

AMAZING! We were right by where Kenny came out!

Can't get any better than that-Kenny in a Chiefs shirt-2 of my favorite things!

Me, Brooklyn, my sober husband and one of his $10 beers!

Second hottest day of my life: Wednesday I had my 24 week appointment at 1pm.  Ben took the afternoon off so we were sitting at home watching tv around 3:30 when I heard a funny rattling noise.  I asked Ben what that was, he didn't know, so on a search through the house we went.  Turns out it was something with the A/C unit-yes, air conditioning on the day after the hottest day of the year.  Great! So, we call a company and they tell us they will be here within 2 hours.  Not bad, right?!? Well, the guy gets here and looks downstairs at the unit and tells us the fan motor is shot-what?! We have lived here 2 years and something is already wrong with the unit?!?? He has to order the part and it will get overnight-ed by UPS and be here sometime between 10am-2pm on Thursday.  Ok-great! How much is this going to cost us? When he came upstairs and told us it was the fan motor I immediately got on the i-Pad and googled how much that was going to cost-what I found was $700+labor.  Great! I don't have that money just laying around, so Ben is downstairs talking with the repair man and I am doing everything I can not to break down and cry.  Ben comes back upstairs, the repair man leaves, Ben closes the door and all I said was "$700+"  He looked at me and said, "hunny, it's ok, the part is under warranty so all we have to pay for is labor" Ah, thank you Jesus!! Even though labor was $220.  O well, a lot better than $920.  So, I tell Ben there is no way we are going to be able to spend the night here because the temperature was already rising in the house and I was already starting to get uncomfortable.  So, we go and eat Chinese at our favorite neighborhood Chinese restaurant.  We usually get take out but I wasn't going to sit in my hot house eating.  Well, go figure, we walk in the restaurant and it is HOT in there-their a/c is either not working or they are trying to save money and not use it. Ben and I hurry and eat and get out of there, go back home, pack our bags and go to my dad's house to stay the night.  Thank goodness for family!!

So, yes, that is how I spent the hottest week in Kansas City since 1984, pregnant and all! Oh memories!!

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