Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Brooklyn 11 Months

Brooklyn 11 Months 9/26-10/26

Well, my baby girl is now over a year old and I am just finding time to sit down and write her update.  Good thing I write everything down throughout the month so I don't have to recall everything from memory, because let's face it, that wouldn't be possible! So, what did little miss Brooklyn do in her 11th month of life...? A lot!

 Weight: 23 pounds
Clothes:12-18 month and some 18-24 month
Shoe size: 3
Diaper size: 4 (Pampers Cruisers)

Well, my baby girl is now over a year old and I am just finding time to sit down and write her update.  Good thing I write everything down throughout the month so I don't have to recall everything from memory, because let's face it, that wouldn't be possible! So, what did little miss Brooklyn do in her 11th month of life...? A lot!

  • Brooklyn participated in her first Breast Cancer walk.  In memory of my mom's twin sister Karen, and my paternal grandmother! It was cold but she did so good in her stroller!
  • She loves playing! She will now put her play telephone up to her hear!
  • She has started handing stuff to us when we ask for something!
  • Brooklyn loves going for walks in her stroller and loves swinging at the park!
  • When she has something she likes (a toy, the remote, her lovie, etc.) she will randomly lay down on the floor with it! Too cute!
  • She is very chatty and talks/jibbers all the time! I wish I knew what she was saying! 
  • With a lot of talking, she also whines a lot still.  She is a little impatient like her momma, and if she can't figure something out quickly or doesn't get something she wants she will whine! And, it's a loud whine.
  • Pulls up and walks along everything.  Has not let go yet, but getting close!
  • All top 4 of Brooklyn's teeth are coming in at once.  She has had some restless nights, but it really hasn't been too bad! 
  • We went up to Level 3 at Gymboree! It is a big class (12-15 kids) and she gets a little overwhelmed at times.  Out of the 12-15 kids there are only a few who aren't walking, including Brooklyn, so hopefully this will help her to get those things moving!
  • Speaking of walking, she will walk while holding on to our hands above her head now! We are making progress!
  • She loves to walk fast/run around the ottoman (while holding on of course).  We chase her around and she thinks it's too funny!
  • She received an early birthday present from The Orths and she squealed with delight when opening it! Too cute and funny!
  • She dances with her lion toy and it is the funniest thing! She knows how to turn it on to get the music going and she will stand there holding on and dance!
  • She still LOVES books! 
  • When you ask her where her tummy is she will pat on her tummy! Smart little girl!
  • She started going up the stairs! I stand behind her! She is slow and sometimes it is scary! She doesn't quite understand that the steps aren't very wide and she can't stop and turn around to sit.
  • Has figured out how to climb up on the dishwasher! She loves to 'help' me unload the dishwasher!
  • She loves to throw her pacis out of her crib when she wakes up.  Sometimes if she doesn't fall asleep quickly she will throw all pacis and her lovie out of crib and then scream so I have to go up there and give her pacis and lovie back! Silly!
  • She loves bubbles!
  • She is starting to become a picky eater, hopefully this is just a phase! I try to introduce her to a lot of new things and always let her try what I am eating.  She loves, peaches, grapes, bananas, blueberries, yogurt, peas, carrots (only cooked in roast), ravioli, spaghetti, cheese.  Those are the basics she eats!
  • Favorite thing in the kitchen is the tupperware drawer!

Brooklyn has grown and changed so much in this past month! I can't believe she is almost 1.  It is so amazing to watch her learn and grow each and every day! I feel very blessed to be able to spend all of my days with her!! We have so much fun together and I know the fun is just beginning!

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