Molly turned 6 Months old on April 3. We had a little half birthday celebration for her-just like we did with Brooklyn! We did the half cake, gave her a few gifts and got her a swing for under the deck! Fun stuff!!
Molly's 6 Month Stats:
Weight: 18 pounds 10 ounces (92%)
Length: 25.75 inches (50%)
Head Circumference: 17 inch (75%)
Clothes: 6-12 Month
Jammies: 9-12 Month
Diapers: Size 3
- Molly is a great napper, but not so great at night sleep!
- She still takes naps in her swing-going to move her to bed soon!
- Molly does NOT like baby food. She will cry, spit and do anything possible to not eat. This girl loves momma's milk!
- She is still working on sitting up. She can do it, but not for long periods of time on her own. When sitting up on the floor playing, she is supported by the boppy!
- She is obsessed with watching Brooklyn! She will follow her with her eyes everywhere-too cute!
- Molly's eyes are still blue!
- Her hair is still pretty light and is starting to grow on top!
- She nurses every 3 hours. While nursing she gets very distracted by Brooklyn and pulls off and pulls on me-it is painful. I see exclusively pumping in my near future...
- Molly is very mellow (opposite of baby Brooklyn). She will only cry when she is tired or hungy!
Photo dump of Molly's 6 Month of life...
Pictures from Molly's half birthday celebration:
Just for fun...a comparison of my girls at 6 Months...
Here is Brooklyn's 6 Month update post to compare some more!!!!
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