How Far Along: 39 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 40 pounds
Maternity Clothes: YES!
Favorite Moment This Week: Spending every extra second with Brooklyn and soaking in her extra cuddles and snuggles! We have been doing a lot of fun things!
Gender: GIRL-Molly Kate
Movement: She is finally slowing down! I think she is running out of room! She still moves, but they aren't big movements and don't happen as often as they once were!
Food Cravings: BBQ, Mexican and pasta!
What I Miss: Getting up and down easily, being able to bend over
Sleep: Not too bad. About every other night I will be awake from 2am-4am, but other than that no complaints. Sometimes it is nice to be awake in the middle of the night, so I can write down/think about things that need to get done! Ha!
What I Am Looking Forward To: Meeting Molly!
Symptoms: aches and pains occasionally, heartburn
Belly Button: OUT!
Next Dr. Appt: No more doctor appointments. I was supposed to go for my 39 week check, but my doctor decided since I was in last Thursday and would be induced on this Thursday, there was no need to see me this week, unless I had issues!
Contractions: Yes-random ones!
Dilated/Effaced: at 38 weeks I was 1 cm and 75% effaced.
{Molly} {Brooklyn}
Since I won't be pregnant at 40 weeks with Molly, here is a flashback to 40 weeks with Brooklyn! I think I look bigger at 39 weeks with Molly than 40 weeks with Brooklyn! HA!
This has been such an enjoyable pregnancy! I haven't had as much energy since I have been chasing after a toddler, but I enjoyed every day of being pregnant! I can't believe this part of the journey is over. It is time for the rewarding part-being a mommy to Molly! I can't wait to have her in our family and part of our everyday lives! It is going to be a life changer, but it will all be worth the change! It might take a few weeks, or months, to figure out or new normal, but it will be a great experience with ups and downs and I can't wait for it all to start!!
{I haven't been the best blogger, and I have a feeling it is only going to get worse before it gets better! I will try to update as often as having 2 babies under 2 allows...until then...hugs!}