Sunday, November 17, 2013

Molly-1 Month

Miss Molly Kate is 1 month old! That was a quick month! I know time is going to go 10 times faster than it did with Brooklyn! We are so excited to watch another little one grow and learn right in front of our eyes!

What has Molly been up to this month: (Brooklyn's 1st month update is here)

  • Molly's first doctors appointment was on 10/7
    • she got her tongue snipped-she was tongue tied and not nursing well.
    • she weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces at 4 days old!
    • she has a small heart murmur-we will continue to follow up! 80% of newborns have heart murmurs when they are born, most go away...
  • First outing was to Babies R Us
  • She is a very noisy nurser!
  • Her umbilical cord fell off on her 1 week birthday!
  • 10/15 was her second doctors appointment (2 week appointment):
    • weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces! Big girl!
    • heart murmur is GONE!! Thank you Jesus!!
  • On 10/22 we went to the doctor for acid reflux (just like big sister)
    • started baby zantac twice a day
  • Left eye started getting watery and green yucky stuff-at first we thought this was the first signs of a clogged tear duct, just like big sister.  Turns out, it was a virus Molly had. She was sick for about 2 weeks.  She had a yucky eye and a horrible stuffy nose.  It was very difficult for her to breathe.  We did a lot of suctioning and nursing was hard! 
  • every day she is awake more and more, very alert with big eyes!
  • 1st Halloween, dressed up as a flower!
  • Mommy and daddy went out already, to a wedding! Nana watched both girls by herself!
  • When she cries she sounds like a dinosaur! Pterodactyl as daddy calls it!
  • So far, she is an easy baby...we will see what the next month brings!!

  We love you Miss Molly and can't wait to watch you grow!!

Brooklyn-23 Months

What a big month for Brooklyn! She became a BIG sister!! It has been quite the adjustment, and we are all still adjusting! I know as Molly gets more interactive, Brooklyn will start to like her more! Right now it is hard for her since she can't really 'play' with her.  Also, Brooklyn HATES when I nurse Molly! She is very jealous when I nurse! I know she will be a great big sister when the girls can play together! Until then, we will survive!!
Brooklyn talks non-stop all day long! It is amazing the new things she says.  She talks in full, complete sentences-it is so crazy to me to have an 'adult' conversation now.  No more fragmented sentences for our little lady!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Baby #2-Weeks 38 and 39

This is the last of the weekly pregnancy updates! Miss Molly Kate will be induced tomorrow (10/3) at 7am! Can't wait to meet her!!

How Far Along: 39 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 40 pounds
Maternity Clothes: YES!
Favorite Moment This Week: Spending every extra second with Brooklyn and soaking in her extra cuddles and snuggles! We have been doing a lot of fun things!
Gender: GIRL-Molly Kate
Movement: She is finally slowing down! I think she is running out of room! She still moves, but they aren't big movements and don't happen as often as they once were!
Food Cravings: BBQ, Mexican and pasta!
What I Miss: Getting up and down easily, being able to bend over
Sleep: Not too bad.  About every other night I will be awake from 2am-4am, but other than that no complaints.  Sometimes it is nice to be awake in the middle of the night, so I can write down/think about things that need to get done! Ha!
What I Am Looking Forward To: Meeting Molly!
Symptoms: aches and pains occasionally, heartburn
Belly Button: OUT!
Next Dr. Appt: No more doctor appointments.  I was supposed to go for my 39 week check, but my doctor decided since I was in last Thursday and would be induced on this Thursday, there was no need to see me this week, unless I had issues!
Contractions: Yes-random ones!
Dilated/Effaced: at 38 weeks I was 1 cm and 75% effaced. 

                                                     {Molly}                         {Brooklyn}

 Since I won't be pregnant at 40 weeks with Molly, here is a flashback to 40 weeks with Brooklyn! I think I look bigger at 39 weeks with Molly than 40 weeks with Brooklyn! HA!

This has been such an enjoyable pregnancy! I haven't had as much energy since I have been chasing after a toddler, but I enjoyed every day of being pregnant! I can't believe this part of the journey is over.  It is time for the rewarding part-being a mommy to Molly! I can't wait to have her in our family and part of our everyday lives! It is going to be a life changer, but it will all be worth the change! It might take a few weeks, or months, to figure out or new normal, but it will be a great experience with ups and downs and I can't wait for it all to start!! 

{I haven't been the best blogger, and I have a feeling it is only going to get worse before it gets better! I will try to update as often as having 2 babies under 2 allows...until then...hugs!}

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Molly's Nursery

It's DONE!! Molly's nursery is finally done!! I love the way it turned out!!

The nursery all started when I found fabric that I fell in love with. The fabric is called Kumari Garde:Teja in Pink. I knew I wanted to do something unique and fun and out of the ordinary from the rest of our house! So, aqua and pink it was!!

Ben and his mom painted the walls Aqua Glow from Valspar! Within the first few strokes of paint, Ben was doubting me and didn't like the color.  I was very mad at him for saying that and told him to just continue painting.  Brooklyn and I left for the day so they could paint.  A few hours later Ben sent me a text and said "it's done and looks great, I will never doubt you again."  Thank you!!

I ordered the crib sheet in the above fabric.  And ordered the crib skirt in a different fabric but from the Kumari Garden line.  It is called Pink Tarika.  Right when I wanted to order, it became very difficult to find.  I don't think they are making it anymore. So glad I bought it when I did!

We just did standard pink curtains from Pottery Barn Kids.  They match the crib skirt perfectly!

Next was decorating the walls! I decided on a monogram above the crib! I love how it turned out! I bought a plain wood monogram and spray painted it pink!

I wanted to do a wall collage with picture frames of different sizes on the big wall! I bought wood frames and spray painted them light pink.  The dark pink frames came from Hobby Lobby and they are the perfect color and I love the design of them!

I plan to get a big print made of Molly's birth stats to put in the big frame in the middle. The outside frames have numbers and letters in them.  I am going to put newborn pictures in the dark pink frames.  There is a bible verse in one of them right now, I am on the hunt for another verse or saying that I like to put in one of the frames.

We went back and forth on what to do about a glider/rocker for the room.  We really didn't want to spend money on a new one, and Brooklyn was not wanting to sit in hers anymore, so we saved money and just used the same glider from her room.  I ordered a blanket in the same print as crib sheet to put over the glider for a little color!
view from the door.

 The pink dresser was a labor of love, you can read about that here. I wanted a mirror above the dresser.  My mother in law found this mirror at an estate sale for $13 and she spray painted it dark pink to match other things around the room. It turned out perfect! It is the perfect size and adds the perfect touch to the room! I love it! I don't know how much I am going to like it when I am standing in front of it changing diapers at 3am...

 I ordered these lamp shades and nightlight in the Kumari Garden fabric...I love them!

With a lot of love and a lot of spray paint, the nursery is done and I love it!! Can't wait to show it to Molly!!

Paradise Park

Keeping up with the theme of spoiling Brooklyn before the baby comes...we decided to take her to Paradise Park.  We went to a birthday party on a Saturday morning out in Lee's Summit/Blue Springs, so we thought after the party we would go down the street to Paradise Park.  It worked out great!

Brooklyn loved the pretend grocery store!

Brooklyn loved the room with all of the pretend animals! I think she would have sat in there and played with them all day if we let her! It was fun to watch her pretend play with them and put them in and take them out of the barn! (no pictures of that room)...

She really liked the big water table! I just wish they would have had a few more toys to play with, there wasn't much to choose from!

 She enjoyed painting! I need to invest in the water/paint shirt!

 Pretending to drive a race car-figuring out the helmet! Safety first!
 The ball pit was probably her favorite-which surprised me! At first she was very cautious, but she soon warmed up and couldn't get enough!

It was a fun 2 hours spent and the best part is it only cost us $11!.