Friday, December 14, 2012

Brooklyn-12 Months

Brooklyn-12 Months (10/26-11/26)

Official Stats from 12 month well child exam:
Weight:23.5 pounds (85 percentile)
Height: 30.25 inches (88 percentile)
Head Circumference:  18.5 inches (94 percentile)

Clothes: 12-18 month (starting to get small) 18-24 month
Pajamas: 12-18 month
Shoe size: some 3's and starting wearing size 4 too!
Diaper size: 4 Pampers Cruisers 

(These monthly pictures were taken a few days before her actual birthday.  I had to take a monthly picture for her birthday party-which I will do a post on someday!)

So, what has Brooklyn been up to this month....

  • She went to the Pumpkin Patch with mommy, daddy and Grams (which I will do a post on during this catch-up time)
  • She knows where her hair is when asked.  We are learning other body parts too!
  • Brooklyn loves putting toys in cups, baskets and bags and shaking them then pulling them out! She gets very excited when doing this!

  • Brooklyn went to vote with mommy and daddy! She thought it was fun! (sorry the picture is blurry, it is from my phone and they were walking!)
  • Brooklyn stood up and clapped for the first time without holding onto anything! It was a night Ben was at a work dinner and he missed it.  But, luckily I had my phone on me and recorded it for him!
  • She loves pushing her walker!

  • She says "nana" for a banana!! When we are in the grocery store and she sees bananas, she says "nana nana nana" loudly! She also says "nana" for her big book that has a banana in it. And, she also says "nana" for my mom, who is Nana! So, nana has a lot of uses and meanings!
  • We started whole milk, mixing it with formula.  4 oz of each.  It didn't phase her! About a week before her first birthday we ran out of formula and I decided I was not going to buy anymore so we just switched to all whole milk.  All went well.  She gets 3-8oz bottles a day of whole milk, warmed up for 1 minute in the microwave.  I don't know what is going to be more difficult, getting rid of the bottle or transitioning to cold milk.  She loves her milk warm/hot!
  • She loves taking pictures with mommy's phone!

  • Loves bath time! But, she loves bath time even more when I let the water out and just let her play! I don't know how she doesn't get too cold!
  • Brooklyn had her first fever. It was 102.6 when we took it.  Poor baby! She had been acting funny all day and would not let me put her down.  Around 6pm she fell asleep on me on the couch, this hasn't happened since she was a tiny baby! I took her to the doctor two days later and they think she just had a 24 hour fever virus.  I think she was teething, but doctor said that high of a fever is something else besides teething! That night she slept in bed with Ben and I from 3am-7am.  She was not fun to sleep with! Moves all night long!
  • She puts hands up and squeals/screams when she hides something like she is saying "where did it go!?!" too funny and cute!
  • She also signs all done! FINALLY!
  • Brooklyn celebrated her first Thanksgiving at Lile Land.  (future post!)
  • We took Brooklyn to Build-A-Bear for her birthday, a tradition we are going to do every year on her birthday.  She made a white bear we call Baxter!
  • She loves stuffed animals or anything soft! 
  • Addicted to her lovie-we can't go anywhere without it!
  • This 12 month picture was taken on her official birthday AFTER a pink icing cupcake. Her hands are pink and her face is pink, and she was NOT cooperating!
  • I can't believe my baby is 1!!!! What a great year it has been!

I am making a list of posts I want to write to get caught up.  I am hoping that since I am putting it out here it will hold me accountable and I will actually get them done! Wishing myself good luck! Look for these posts in the near future! Notice I am not giving a date or deadline for them to be done! Ha!
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Thanksgiving
  • Build-A-Bear
  • Brooklyn's 1st Birthday Party (Hungry Caterpillar)
  • Brooklyn's 1st Birthday Party (celebrated at home)
  • Santa Visit
  • House Projects 
Stay tuned...

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