Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One Year Ago...

March 20, 2011 will always be a special day for me, Ben and our families!!!

It is the day we found out I was pregnant!!

I know I have probably blogged about that special day, but I am too lazy (and sleep deprived) to go back and find the story of that day, so I am going to recap it again here.  Wonder how much I remember....

...we started trying for a baby in September of 2010.  After several months of negative tests, then a month of no period, I made a visit to the doctor! My prolactin levels were high (you should only have high prolactin levels when you are breastfeeding), so that is why I was not having a period.  I took some medicine to induce a period (the most wicked, awful period EVER) and then we began trying again.  I wasn't going to get my hopes up, because I was tired of being let down or disappointed when there was not a 'positive' on the pregnancy pee stick.

On March 19, Ben and I decided to go shopping and have lunch.  We had a great day-we both got new clothes and enjoyed a nice lunch at Houston's.  All day Saturday when I would use the restroom I would have cramps.  I kept telling Ben that I knew I was going to start my period.  When we got home that evening I went to the restroom and my cramps were horrible, I just knew my period was coming.  I made the comment to Ben that it is weird that I am having all of this cramping without my period starting.  Mr. Google Ben, made a visit to his i-Pad and did some research.  He told me to take a pregnancy test in the morning (you know they say first morning urine is the best).

Sunday morning, I had plans to run with my mom in our neighborhood.  Mom was coming over around 8am (I think).  I woke up around 7am, grabbed the last pregnancy test out of the bottom drawer of the bathroom and went pee on the stick.  I had a lot of pee and a lot of nerves.  I laid the stick down on the floor, went to brush my teeth and went back to the stick 2 minutes later.  When I looked at the stick I couldn't believe what I was seeing-the view window was flooded with my urine (told you I was nervous and had a lot of pee), but behind all of that pee in the window I could make out two lines.  Wait, what?!? Two lines? Doesn't that mean I'm pregnant? I go to wake Ben up-we are both confused-don't know if we should believe it since I did flood the view window after all.  Damn! Why did that have to be my last pregnancy test?!

Hmmmm...what to do? My mom is going to be here in about 20 minutes.  I don't have time to run to the store to pick up more.  So, Ben says while we are running he will go and get some more tests.  Sounds great!

My mom gets to our house, we go running! I don't say a word to my mom about the events that took place in my bathroom before she arrived.  I didn't want to get my hopes up, or her hopes up and I didn't want to think about it.  We see Ben drive by-mom asks where he is going.  I tell her I think he is going to get his car washed.  We keep running.  10 minutes later we see Ben drive by again-mom says to me, I don't think the car wash was open! ( I just laughed-didn't know what to say-ha!).  Mom and I get back from running.  Mom is talking my head off and just hanging out with Ben and I.  I see the Wal-Greens bag on the counter and through the bag I see a package of pregnancy tests.  The entire time I am thinking, hurry up and leave mom!!

Finally! Mom leaves!! I quickly open the package of tests and run upstairs.  Ben follows.  I sit down, I pee, slowly! We wait.....1 minute....2 minutes....we look....IT'S POSITIVE!!! We hug, we kiss, we smile, we cry!

 *Yes, I took about 5 pictures of the positive pregnancy test! The bottom one is a picture of the test on the bathroom floor and then I moved it up to shelf in the bathroom! ha!*

I call my mom, she can tell I am a little emotional.  Before I can tell her the news she says "OMG Katy, I just had a thought that you were going to call me and tell me you were pregnant!"  I said "Mom I AM!!"  She didn't know what to say!! (How weird is that, that she thought that! Crazy!).

What a great and wonderful day!!

A year ago today I couldn't imagine having a beautiful, fun, loving almost 4 month old baby girl! How my heart just melts when I look at her!!

What a difference a year makes, but I wouldn't trade it for a thing!! I love my life!!

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