Sunday, November 17, 2013

Molly-1 Month

Miss Molly Kate is 1 month old! That was a quick month! I know time is going to go 10 times faster than it did with Brooklyn! We are so excited to watch another little one grow and learn right in front of our eyes!

What has Molly been up to this month: (Brooklyn's 1st month update is here)

  • Molly's first doctors appointment was on 10/7
    • she got her tongue snipped-she was tongue tied and not nursing well.
    • she weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces at 4 days old!
    • she has a small heart murmur-we will continue to follow up! 80% of newborns have heart murmurs when they are born, most go away...
  • First outing was to Babies R Us
  • She is a very noisy nurser!
  • Her umbilical cord fell off on her 1 week birthday!
  • 10/15 was her second doctors appointment (2 week appointment):
    • weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces! Big girl!
    • heart murmur is GONE!! Thank you Jesus!!
  • On 10/22 we went to the doctor for acid reflux (just like big sister)
    • started baby zantac twice a day
  • Left eye started getting watery and green yucky stuff-at first we thought this was the first signs of a clogged tear duct, just like big sister.  Turns out, it was a virus Molly had. She was sick for about 2 weeks.  She had a yucky eye and a horrible stuffy nose.  It was very difficult for her to breathe.  We did a lot of suctioning and nursing was hard! 
  • every day she is awake more and more, very alert with big eyes!
  • 1st Halloween, dressed up as a flower!
  • Mommy and daddy went out already, to a wedding! Nana watched both girls by herself!
  • When she cries she sounds like a dinosaur! Pterodactyl as daddy calls it!
  • So far, she is an easy baby...we will see what the next month brings!!

  We love you Miss Molly and can't wait to watch you grow!!

Brooklyn-23 Months

What a big month for Brooklyn! She became a BIG sister!! It has been quite the adjustment, and we are all still adjusting! I know as Molly gets more interactive, Brooklyn will start to like her more! Right now it is hard for her since she can't really 'play' with her.  Also, Brooklyn HATES when I nurse Molly! She is very jealous when I nurse! I know she will be a great big sister when the girls can play together! Until then, we will survive!!
Brooklyn talks non-stop all day long! It is amazing the new things she says.  She talks in full, complete sentences-it is so crazy to me to have an 'adult' conversation now.  No more fragmented sentences for our little lady!