Pregnancy Updates-Weeks 33 and 34
How Far Along: As noted above I am 35 weeks 1 day as I am typing this, but the information below pertains to weeks 33 and 34
Total Weight Gain: At my last Doctor's appointment I had only gained 1 pound in 2 weeks, which I was super happy about.
Maternity Clothes: YES! And, I am starting to wear the hubby's clothes-especially his sweatshirts. I am not going to buy maternity sweatshirts because one I don't want to spend the money and two the hubby's work just as well, and they are super comfy!
Favorite Moment This Week: getting the nursery completed and having my last baby shower
Gender: A girl-Brooklyn Paige (well, I hope! The thought goes through my mind at least once a day about what if it really is a boy and not a girl...ahh! crazy thoughts. If it's a boy-he is going to have to like pink-ha!)
Movement: Is she ever going to stop-I thought she was supposed to be running out of room and the movement would slow down a little, but not with this little princess. She loves kicking my ribs! But, I wouldn't change it for anything!
Food Cravings: guess what-still orange juice and that's about it!
What I Miss: being able to put on socks and shoes without huffing and puffing!
Sleep: so-so. I have been getting up to potty about 5 times a night and it is always hard to fall back asleep.
What I am Looking Forward to: getting the house all ready and spending these last few weeks with my husband before our life changes drastically-but for the better!
Symptoms: a little cramping (dr. said it's normal), tiredness
Belly Button: still a little in but mostly out, but not completely out-it is a weird thing!
Next Dr. Appointment: Monday Oct 24
Contractions: Yes, Braxton Hicks and some mild cramping, which doctor told me is like having minor contractions and it is just my body preparing for labor!
P.S. Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! He is 31 today-crazy!!